Friday, October 24, 2008

One day you wake up and grab your usual cup of coffee. You drink it black, with a teaspoon of sugar. A little bit sweet, but mostly bitter.

You take the routine commute to work. Sit at your desk, and do the everyday things you have to do. Check the email, make a few calls, and get on with your work. Finish the day, go home, make that bowl of noodles with the same brand soup stock you've been using for god knows how long.

But it's different. You realize that you hate coffee. You'd rather be drinking orange juice. You hate your job, you'd rather be doing something simpler.

You realize that you've been trying to fit a mold that doesn't exist. You've been trying to be a person you're not.

And it's what's been making you unhappy. You've refused to let yourself live the life that would make you happy because you're too ashamed of it.

And the only thing that playing this facade has given you is unhappiness. What's the use of an image?

Maybe one day I'll have that courage.

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