Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mr.Wannabe-Elite CS Guy

So today since I have a ridiculous amount of homework due tomorrow, I went to office hours to get some clarifications and help with it. While doing some work during office hours, I met two guys a pretty cool grad student and a guy who looked like he hadn't showered in a few days with a godawful sense of style.

Anywho, as I was talking and getting help I noticed the elitist manner of speaking this kid was using. As much as I wanted to tell him to shut up, since the GSI wanted us to work on a problem together, I shut up and sucked it up.

I continued getting help from the grad student who knew matlab pretty well and the grad student talks about how he's worried about the midterm and what not. I asked the guy why he was taking so many math classes since he talked about taking Linear Algebra. He went on about how his research had something to do with numerical analysis but he was an engineering type. Then the elistist kid goes "I'm a CS major, blahblahblah" as though that's suppose to awe us and as continues to go on and talk about how he programmed his assignment in java instead of in Matlab.

Eventually I ended up ignoring the kid and just talking to the grad student, but those wannabe elitist CS types annoy the shit out of me. They're always the kid in the CS class that scores average but tries to act like they know everything.

I wanted to but decided not to tell the kid that Java isn't a language that's good for mathematical programming. Especially if you have to do plotting, you're just adding an extra 10 hours of work to something that can take about 10 minutes to do. But I figure I'll let him learn a lesson in humility the hard way :).

Never assume that just because someone doesn't bring up their background or talk about it 24/7 means that they don't have it.