Saturday, November 3, 2007


Sometimes you can't see your own progress, and how you are slowly creeping toward something. I don't meant a weight loss goal, or something like that. I realized today that when I look in the mirror I don't see someone who's ugly staring back at me anymore. I see someone that I like, something that I like. Not to say that I think I'm perfect, nor to say that I'm completely happy with what I see but more so to say that,

I'm starting to finally accept who I am and like it.

It starts with that, once that falls into place, so does everything else.

I'm beginning to believe in myself, love myself, and appreciate the oddities that make me who I am.

It feels good.

You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful, but rather accept that you're not and love yourself none the less.

I feel happy :).

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