Saturday, April 5, 2008


So today during archery class, we were shooting at these small targets, and while we were shooting, the ta for my group was watching everyone and said "Hm...interesting, your arrows are a lot slower than everyone else's but they still hit the target." At that point Connie and Annie started laughing and Connie remarked,"Yeah, that's the story of your life."

It really is :(. I found that comment highly amusing though. How is it even possible that my arrows are slower than everyone else's? Honestly......I have NO idea.. but they are!

In other news, somehow I ripped some of the skin connected to my toenail. I'm not exactly sure how but I'm pretty sure it was from kendo last night. It kinda burns when I walk so I think I'm gonna have to tape it since we have godo keiko tomorrow.

It's funny how if I get bruises from the bow in archery I FREAK out but I get bruises EVERYWHERE, even in that SAME area sometimes in kendo..and I just walk them off. In fact, I still have bruises that are healing from Spring Break.

Ugh my writing skills are not what they used to be! They were so good...okay people I will work on writing entertaining posts.

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