Sunday, December 23, 2007

Giving it Up

You realize that in order to obtain a dream,
there are always things you must give up.

Last summer in order to obtain a dream,
I realized that I had to give up the possibility of a US position
or any senior staff position really. The environment the people
were things I loved and enjoyed a lot and I wasn't willing to stay
in the same seat I had at the time.
I gave up graduating on time, instead I decided to stay an extra summer after.
I lost progress on my hardcore diet,
progress that for me I'm still trying to get back to.
This is among other things.

But in return, I had the most amazing experience that I could have ever had.
I met the most amazing people, ate amazing food,
learned kendo in the same university that the wkc was held,
bettered my chinese skills to a degree i never could have here at home,
and just everything about it changed my perspective about life, and everything really.

To me, all the sacrifices I gave up in some ways held me back timewise on certain things, but the experience I took away meant more than any of the sacrifices would.

Now, again, I'm faced with the sacrifices.
So many things to me I feel I must give up, so many sacrifices I must make.
But in the end I believe I will see it exactly the same way.
It will be amazing, and all I will remember is how amazing it was.
Because the sacrifices we make, we make because we believe and know that they are worthwhile.

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