Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Okay I don't like to generally be overly open about my personal beliefs, but for the sake for whoever reads my journal. Here are some nice facts about me. Actually they're more like rants, really whiny ones so beware.

Most of the time when I am writing about something or someone I use a friggen metaphor, so what you think it's about it's probably not about that.

I do not believe in dojo-cest. If you are in my dojo, you are like my FAMILY. Maybe at one time I did, but I really do not believe in it anymore. You live, you learn. This is what I've learned. I'm so tired of people suggesting I date my dojomates, or my dojomates thinking I like them. Wait let me make this even clearer, if you own a zekken says Berkeley/Oakland on the top, then I do NOT have romantic feelings for you. Do NOT. And if I did they do not exist at all anymore. If you want me to listen to your girl problems, or try to set you up on a date, I'll GLADLY try. This is something that is REALLY frustrating me.

To my friends, if I seem really MIA I'm sorry I'm just insanely busy :(. I really miss you guys and want to see you, there's just so much going on in my life. I promise once it calms down I'll spend more time with you guys. I'm doing my best.

Finally deciding to take a break I think is keeping me sane. Although I'll miss it, I know that it's okay. I need this time to get my shit together and get things done. I also need it to recuperate from everything. I'm way more stressed out than I need to be.

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