Monday, August 25, 2008

Wait, let me bitch and moan a little more.

Looking for housing in Berkeley, fucking sucks.

I guess it'd be slightly entertaining to tell the story of my housing adventures.

So today, Ani and I went to go see a very small studio and a room share which is basically me renting a room in a house. Of course the studio is up teh butt crowded by students trying to find a friggen place to live, and thus has a freakin waiting list of applicants. So I leave my info and go off to see this room in some house that's in a relatively decent location.

So, this guy opens the door. Mind that Ani and are talking and about to ring the doorbell and this guy opens the door before I can even ring the doorbell. I can be loud but I definitely wasn't there. Then, this creepy looking guy is standing there waiting for us to come in. This guy is probably in his 50s I would think. The man's presence is something like the presence that Severus Snape from Harry Potter commands, creepy, angry and not tolerating of anything that doesn't follow his standards. He goes on and tells me more logistics about the apartment all while making Ani and I feel as though we shouldn't be there. I have nothing to say because I'm SCARED of this man, so I just say that I'll think about it and send him an email.

But honestly, the only thing that I really wanted to do was get the hell out of there! How the hell could anyone live with him without feeling as they shouldn't exist or in fear? O.O.....I have no idea.

At that point I discover Ani is also afraid of that man, and that I am now traumatized and will not live in a house with people over 30. Also, I am now more than willing to live in a studio..and pay the extra cash over a room share...


Moral of the story? Looking for housing in Berkeley fucking sucks.

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