Wednesday, October 24, 2007


After a few days of being the emo queen, a couple of kendo sessions and a really good song later. I feel good. Life is a beautiful thing, there are too many things in life that are amazing happening around us at every moment. Life is about pain and about joy. There is not one without the other.

I think of it like one of my favorite foods, 牛肉麵. I loved the stuff I had here, but the best I've ever had is no where short of Taiwan. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever eaten. In order to eat it I had to leave everything I was comfortable with and go somewhere I'd never been, with no one I knew around me. I mean it wasn't the whole reason I was there but I'd definitely wanted to try that stuff. If I think of all the things I had to let go of to eat it and enjoy it, it seems like it's a lot. But it was worth every ounce I gained, it was worth the humid weather, the new culture, the things I had to learn to adapt to, and the experiences I went through. Because it was just simply AMAZING.

All things that are worthwhile in life are like that, you have to truly be able to let go to truly enjoy it.

And if it's not the best you've tasted, that means there's something more amazing somewhere else. But when you finally find it, it makes it so much more worthwhile. Much more than if you had the best to begin with.

Life can give us so much if we live with open minds, and hearts.

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