Wednesday, November 28, 2007


As a person growing up, I have always felt very lonely. I think there are enough people who can relate to this. I was very shy, and very afraid to approach others mostly because I always felt like an outsider. It's not hard to when you're the only Buddhist Asian kid in a sea of Hispanic/Filipino Catholics.

You grow up being different, hating it and wishing you were more like everyone else, until one day you realize it's a blessing not to be like everyone else. It gives you quirks. At one point in my life I wanted to be Hispanic or Filipino and Catholic because I felt so isolated from everyone else.

Why so much background about my past?

Basically because of that whenever I see someone who seems kind of lonely, or feels a bit isolated, I want to reach out to them. Perhaps they want to be alone, perhaps they don't, but by instinct because I remember how painful it is to feel that way, and I don't want anyone to feel that way either.

Feeling loved, or cared for is an amazing feeling. Knowing that people genuinely care about you is a beautiful feeling. I think this feeling one of the best feelings that a person could have. Knowing that people are willing to reach out, and you're not left in the dust.

It is the feeling I want to be able to give others. To be able to know that you've been able to make someone happier even just by a little bit.

This is what I try my best to do.

Because you really never know how much you can affect a person, by a simple gesture of kindness. One that may be seemingly meaningless to you.

Most of the time it doesn't do anything, but sometimes just sometimes it can make a person's day, or it can be a catalyst.

Because sometimes all anyone ever wants is to feel a little less alone in the world.

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