Sunday, March 1, 2009

If I were given 3 minutes of existence. What would I want?

I think about it, and things rush through my mind.

Passion, love, adventure, fame, understanding, acceptance.

And I realize that the answer is very simple,

3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 years, 3 decades, 3 centuries.

No matter the length of time, it is simple.

No regrets.

I just want to walk off this earth with no regrets.

To know that I was never afraid of the loss, the pain, and the obstacles that came with it.

With any of it.

It's funny that searching for the answer to one question led me to the answer of something unrelated.

This is what I live my life for, never to have regrets.

I will fight to the death for this.

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