Monday, March 30, 2009

I close my eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out. I tell myself.
Sometimes you just need to breathe, to feel the air in your lungs, to make the world spin a little more slowly to remind you you're still alive.
Time isn't going to stop for me. It'll keep on going, it'll keep on spinning
It'll be okay, I tell myself. It'll be okay.
I've had my world stop in front of me so many times,
Sometimes when it does, I wonder how I'll get out of it alive.
When it happens, I tell myself to breathe in and breathe out.
To let the world slow a bit and breathe a little life into me.
Close my eyes, and let my world stop. Open them again. Take life one step at a time.
Life isn't meant to be easy. It's not worth living if it is.
I breathe in. Happiness. Sadness. Anger. Emotions.
I breathe it out. I feel.
When you make connections. When you let souls into your existence. You will feel them.
Feel them come in, feel them weaken, feel them leave.
Inside I pull, I keep on pulling. I hope that pulling will bring them back up.
There's nothing I can do to change what is.
Please, I ask. Be okay, please I ask. Be okay.

Please I ask.

Be okay.

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