Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Simple Thing

Perhaps it is that I am too weary to write entertaining entries, perhaps I am just getting too old to put up that kind of farce anymore. Perhaps I just want people to be able to see the real me.

Whatever it is, I haven't had the urge to entertain with my writing lately.

But I will say I've been in a kind of mood. You know one of those moods where you just want this intense passionate romance, the kind you see in the movies, the kind you read in books, the kind that really doesn't exist realistically. I've basically been trying to satiate this mood by watching movies, by reading, by living vicariously through others, whatever works.

I suppose it's just a phase, a long phase.

I've lost my desire to continue so I suppose you're stuck with an entry without reason. Even though there is of course one :)

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