Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Apparently all you have to do to pick out my taste in guys is pick out the most girlish looking ones in a crowd.

Even if I don't think they look girlish I guess a prerequisite for me to be attracted to you is for you to look at least somewhat girlish.


Even though I totally don't believe Andrew(YES ANDREW YOU ALREADY KNEW THIS) he says that testosterone manifests itself in ways other than physical appearance.

All the physical ways that testosterone would manifest itself in someone physically is definitely not applicable to me. I don't really smell(minus the putrid bogu smell after kendo but thats more the bogu than me..), I'm not hairy, I don't really get acne, I don't produce huge amounts of oil on my face and hair, etc etc...

On that note my face is getting gross...argghhh I guess that means its time to get extra super healthy with the eating.

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