Friday, May 2, 2008

Summer J.O.B.

So today I got a call from the professor that I interviewed with on Wed..Basically he told me that he's giving me a summer research position doing research on patterns and algorithms, I'm not going to even try to explain, but basically I'm going to be working on electrical engineering algorithms in C++.

This was the project that I expressed interest in and am actually very interested in working in and I'm surprised that the professor even chose me to work on the project. I guess maybe I partially think that it's a total fluke and that phone message that I got from the professor is a total and complete LIE.

Anyway if it does indeed turn out to be true that I am doing research during the summer, that means that I'll have $$ and possibly I will be able to convince my parents to get me a car because I would be able to start making payments on it. YAHOO! That would be awesomeness. (Then maybe I'll get a wii..or something..)

Now...if only I could get a real job for after me graduating..ugh I totally fear tomorrow and getting back my midterm, that midterm I'm sure isn't pretty...Oh well that basically means I'm going to have to perform on the midterm...super studying here I come..

School's almost over...just a little longer...

But hey I think I have a jobbbb

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