Saturday, May 31, 2008


I'm going do one of these myspace things on my blog....because im waiting for my drama to get to the place i left off at. Stupid computer.

How many boyfriend/girlfriends did you have this year?
eh none :(

What teacher do you hate the most?
ahahaha math professors :)

What was your favorite thing that happened this year?
getting on team

What was your favorite class?
none they all sucked

Are you glad this year's almost over?
its not.

What are you looking forward to this upcoming school year?

i don't really have anymore after n/a

Are you moving schools?

Are you still best friends with the same person as the beginning of the year?
have been for many

Did you lose any friends?
kind of

Did you make any friends?
yes, lots :)

Are you glad you made more friends?

Are you failing any classes?
done with classes atm

Do you think next year will be better?
eh i don't wanna think about it

Do you think things will be different now that you're getting older?
yes, quarter life crisis anyone?

Favorite lunch food?
hamburg, or sashimi

Did you cheat this year on a test?
no, cause you know itd get me kicked outta school

What teachers, if any, are you going to miss?
i have no emotional attachments to my profs

i think this survey is for hs students

Was this your favorite year?
no maybe one of the worst

What was your biggest struggle this year?
being slapped in the face by reality......repeatedly.

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