Monday, September 1, 2008

Passive Aggressiveness

I cannot stand passive aggressiveness. You can be bitchy, vulgar, rude, whatever takes your fancy. But I really dislike passive aggressiveness. I am not a passive aggressive person, I will not try and sugar coat anything for the sake of not hurting your fucking ego unless something catastrophic has happened in your life.

If you want to eat my cake, then say you want to eat it. If I haven't already offered it, then if I wanted to give you some I'll say yes, if I don't, I will say no. If you don't want to watch a movie then say it. Because if you say you're going to watch it, then you're going to sit down and suck it up and watch it and NOT complain about how much it sucked because you didn't say you didn't want to watch it.

I also dislike guilt tripping. It doesn't affect me more often than not. If I was gonna feel sorry, I would have felt sorry. If I'm not I won't. If I'm gonna say yes, I would have already said yes. I don't waver very often.

I'm just tired of having to deal with so much shit.

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