Friday, September 12, 2008

I took off the facebook link that I had because I want to spend more time being open and bitching about whatever I want. I don't have to sensor myself to my audience anymore. Most of my friends have this blog and I don't give a shit who else reads it. If you're that dedicated then I guess you can hear me whine.

I guess I'm angry because I feel a bit lied to. But if you don't have the balls to be upfront then it is what it is. But it was dying anyway, so I don't really mind at all. But being lied to just makes me super angry. But that can be dealt with accordingly.

Also, in the past year basically I think I've found that I've really burnt out from giving a damn. I really just don't give a damn anymore. I suppose it's also because there are a lot of other things happening in my life right now. I don't feel sorry for myself, I don't really feel bitter, I just don't care. If it happens it happens.

Walking into the working world has also has really boosted my confidence. I feel like I regained a lot of what I lost. Now I find that I don't give a flying shit what people think because I feel really good about myself.

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