Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Eyes Are Bleeding

Look at that fine sexay thang! Damn!

I just had sashimi and salmon teriyaki so my tummy is insanely happy because I LOVE sashimi. Nothing like some raw fish and the possibility of getting worms, delicious! Anyway aside from that school's really making me take it up the ass, between now and next Monday I think my eyes are going to bleed from homework and studying for my math midterm.

God Anthro, I hate Anthro why is there so much work for Anthro! Maybe because I don't do any of it (but god does anyone even enjoy that class?)..I'm really not looking forward to this week....:(. It's okay, at the end of the week I think after my eyes stop bleeding I'm going to reward myself with.... SASHIMI!

I truly believe God's gift to mankind is sashimi, I think fish is starting to replace all other meat as my other half....sorry meat, I'm having an affair with sashimi, sashimi is just so....irresistable...

Ugh, now I have to go back and do that thing that nobody likes to do...studying.

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