Monday, April 21, 2008


So this weekend I went on a road trip with my dojo to LA. I never drive down there, I usually fly because I hate long car rides, but it was awesome. Tournaments are always a bonding experience for dojomates and stuffs. The car ride was hilarious down and we made so many stops and I ate Mickey D's the first time in a LONG time. My body's probably still reeling from it.

ANYWAY, when we finally got down there we played around in the hotel, I GOT MY DS BACK. And I think I left my water bottle in Helen's car... anyway and went King's Hawaiian for dinner. I was at the old people table and it was actually a lot of fun. Connor was talking about birthday cakes and how we should say it's someone's birthday. I figured that was a good idea..soo Pam suggested I do it for someone at the other table.. we did it to Henry hahaha and it was GREAT. He looked horribly confused and tried to pawn it off on Helen. But man I loved it :p.

The tournament itself.....meh I sucked but.. I won a free men! So it kinda balances out in the end.

I know it's a boring post but I wanted to document the trip :).

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