Friday, April 4, 2008

The Other Side

As most of you don't know, or do know I'm half Cambodian and half Chinese, this basically means I'm mixed. I don't really look like either, or so I've been told. Anyway, I , like a lot of people think was raised with a bias towards one of my ethnic backgrounds. That's a lot of politics and what not that I really don't want to go into but a lot of mixed people have gone through it and know what I'm talking about. Not everyone but generally yeah. It's a touchy subject one that I don't like to go into that often, because I feel like it's not really other people's business. But..ask me and maybe I'll tell.

Anyway, as a result I'm very familiar with my Chinese side but I'm not really that familiar with my Cambodian heritage. I know bits and pieces and little things about it, but I really don't know that much. Honestly though, I want to learn, more because I think it's very interesting. I guess I feel like its very easy to pick up a book on Chinese history and it's origins, but it's really hard to find out much about Cambodians. I also after dun dun dun reading wikipedia have learned that it's actually a generally very small population of Cambodians that live in the US, most of them living in Long Beach. That explains why I was raised there :p. Anyway, to me it's just fascinating to learn these things, it's like learning you have a long lost brother or something. I guess also because the history of why there are Cambodians here is somewhat violent and ugly, like it is with most Southeast Asians. It just makes it that much more interesting.

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